T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Hunter discusses playing on the Berlin album & the genius of Lou Reed. “Art sometimes doesn’t make you feel good necessarily, but it makes you feel.” #TBPC #SteveHunter #LouReed #Berlin #shortsvideo #shorts #podcast #podcastshorts #podcastclips #podcasts
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Damon Johnson of Brother Cane, Lynyrd Skynyrd (and more) talks about meeting Stevie Ray Vaughan. #DamonJohnson #SRV #BrotherCane #ThinLizzy #AliceCooper #LynyrdSkynyrd #DoubleTrouble #TBPC #TBonesPrimeCuts #Podcast #podcastshorts
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: John Oates talks about George Harrison. George playing on Along the Red Ledge album and hanging with the "real" George. #GeorgeHarrison #JohnOates #hallandoates #DarylHall #Guitar #AcousticGuitar #SlideGuitar #AlongTheRedLedge #JackieStewart #Beatles #thebeatles #longbeach #LongBeachGrandPrix #LosAngeles #FriarPark #TheRutles #Rutles
In this Vintage T-Bone's Prime Cuts Radio show, T-Bone interviews Robin Trower in May 2011. T-Bone's very first interview! Cary Allen Fields, who first invited T-Bone on his radio show & eventually gave him a 5 song segment which was then spun off to T-Bone's Prime Cuts is on the…
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Danny Mangold tells a rather heartwarming Dave Grohl story! #DaveGrohl #DannyMangold #FooFighters #TBPC #shorts #shortsvideo #short #shortvideo #TheMetros #StarSearch #AnnWilson #Heart #ChrisBarron #spindoctors #podcast #podcastshorts #CharlesNeville #NevilleBrothers
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: John Oates talks about T-Bone Wolk. "He is the best musician I've ever been around." #TBoneWolk #JohnOates #hallandoates #DarylHall #Bass #Guitar #accordian #shorts #shortsvideo #shortvideo #short #Podcast #TBPC #music
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Pete Thompson on being asked by Uriah Heep to replace Lee Kerslake. Pete Thompson has toured and/or recorded with: Robert Plant Robin Trower Silverhead David Byron Ken Hensley Pete Haycock Eric Bibb Melanie & many more! #UriahHeep #Silverhead #DeepPurple #PeteThompson #LeeKerslake #RobinTrower #RobertPlant #DavidByron #KenHensley
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Damon Johnson talks about being in a band with Eddy Shaver and what he learned from him. Damon is a guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter, currently a solo artist, a member of Brother Cane and guitarist in Lynyrd Skynyrd. In the 1990s he co-founded Brother Cane, and…
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Daniel de Visé on the Mall Scene in the Blues Brothers movie. Daniel is the author of ‘The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic’ #TBPC #BluesBrothers #JohnBelushi #DanAykroyd #DanielDeVise #SNL #TheBluesBrothers #Mall #JohnLandis
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Daniel de Visé on the differences but SO many similarities between John Belushi & Dan Aykroyd! Daniel is the author of ‘The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic’ #TBPC #BluesBrothers #JohnBelushi #DanAykroyd #DanielDeVise #SNL #TheBluesBrothers
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Daniel de Visé on the Blues Brothers hiring Musicians instead of actors for the band! Daniel is the author of ‘The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic’ #TBPC #BluesBrothers #JohnBelushi #DanAykroyd #DanielDeVise #SNL #TheBluesBrothers #JohnLandis…
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Daniel de Visé on the Blues Brothers’ REAL Mission From God! Daniel is the author of ‘The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic’ #TBPC #BluesBrothers #JohnBelushi #DanAykroyd #DanielDeVise #SNL #TheBluesBrothers #MissionFromGod #JohnLandis
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Hunter on recording with Jack Bruce, Jim Keltner & Jim Gordon. #TBPC #SteveHunter #JackBruce #JimKeltner #JimGordon
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Hunter: playing the first solo on Aerosmith's "Train Kept A Rollin'.” #TBPC #SteveHunter #Aerosmith #JackDouglas #BobEzrin #TrainKeptARollin #GetYourWings
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Hunter on how much he enjoyed recording an album with Julian Lennon. #TBPC #SteveHunter #JulianLennon #JohnLennon #Beatles #Tea
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Hunter on Peter Gabriel and playing those iconic guitar parts on the huge hit, “Solsbury Hill.” #TBPC #PeterGabriel #SteveHunter #SolsburyHill #Guitar #MartinD28
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Hunter on giving Blues lessons to Jason Becker #TBPC #JasonBecker #DLR #SteveHunter #Blues #ALS
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Cropper on three of the top artists he’s worked with. #TBPC #SteveCropper #OtisRedding #RodStewart #BookerT
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Cropper on Eddie Floyd & the creation of “Knock On Wood.” #TBPC #SteveCropper #EddieFloyd #KnockOnWood #Stax
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: Steve Martin asking Belushi to open for him - The start of the Blues Brothers. w/ Steve Cropper #TBPC #SteveCropper #JohnBelushi #SteveMartin #BluesBrothers
T-Bone’s Prime Cuts Podcast: The Lack of a Legacy: Van Halen’s terrible job of marketing. With Darren Paltrowitz the author of ‘DLR Book.’ #TBPC #DLRBook #DLR #Podcast #Merch #VanHalen